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My Team

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring Break

I hate the fact that BYU doesn't believe in or have a Spring Break. It kills me. I wish that they would at least give us a 3-4 day weekend. We have two holidays throughout the Winter Semester and around this time it gets hard to stay focused. The weather is getting nice, the sun is shining, it's warm outside. Besides, we're getting tired. At least in the Fall Semester we get Thanksgiving as a time to relax and take a breath before Finals hit. I don't want Spring Break to go get drunk, party, have sex, or whatever else the administration thinks we'll go do. I just want to rest and relax some. We need something like that at BYU. Well now I'm done with my Spring Break rant. Anyways... I will have to say that I officially hate group projects. I didn't like them before, but now I really don't like them. In my math practicum class, MTHED 377, I am in a group to create a lesson plan and prepare to teach this lesson to our class tomorrow. I am the only one who is taking the lead and doing anything about it. I hate the fact that I am the only person doing anything on this group project. It's really frustrating because I have four other group projects which deserve my attention but I can't do anything about because I am doing everything for the project due tomorrow. It's unfair to my other groups and it angers me quite a bit. I'm just glad I'm almost done with the project and can catch up on everything else starting tomorrow afternoon. I hate that I have gotten behind in all my homework and assignments because of one project where no one wants to do anything.

On a positive note and changing the subject, the weather has gotten amazing lately! It's been in the 60's and 70's all week. I love being able to drive around with my windows down. It's nice to be done with the cold, gross weather and on to spring.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Well I had no idea what to name this post so I'll leave it blank until I decide. This past week has been interesting. I got a lot of work done on our group project for MCOM 320, but we still have a lot left to do before it's done. I drove up Provo Canyon twice this past week. The weather has been awesome lately. It's finally warmed up some and feeling more like spring. It's cooling down right now, but it's supposed to be wet and cooler this weekend. In my Mathed 377 class, I am also working with a group to create a math lesson plan that we will teach to our class nect Friday. Let's just say that there are a couple people in my group that I would love to yell at. It's frustrating when I am the only person trying to do good on this lesson plan and no one else cares. Or better yet, I love how they will talk about how crazy their lives are and that's why they don't have time to work on the lesson plan. I've already spoken to my teacher, but it's still frustrating. On another note, I am finally half-way through my last semester of classes at BYU!!! I can't wait to be done and not have to worry about school for another year. I want to go to grad school to make myself more marketable. Also, I figure I should get it done sooner rather than later so that's easier. It's crazy how fast the semester has flown by. It seems like a week ago it was only January. I have so much left to do and hopefully I can get it all done. I may be quitting my job delivering pizzas and go back to my job working at a plumbing supply store to help during sprinkler season. It'll be nice to go back to working with friends.